Personal capital leakage penalty difference! Shopee 200,000, Eslite 100,000, why are they different in weight?

Shopee was fined 200,000 yuan for leaking personal capital

Shopee is a well-known e-commerce platform that has recently attracted renewed attention due to the leakage of personal assets. According to reports, Shopee failed to improve its personal security measures, resulting in the personal data of millions of users being leaked. For violating the Personal Data Protection Law, Shopee was punished accordingly and fined NT$200,000.

Eslite Life fined 100,000

Eslite Life, a well-known cultural lifestyle brand, has also been punished for personal capital leakage. The report pointed out that Eslite Life failed to properly protect users’ personal data on its website, resulting in the personal data of thousands of people being leaked. According to the Personal Data Protection Law, Eslite Life was fined NT$100,000.

Why are Shopee fined more than Eslite Life?

Although both Shopee and Eslite Life have been fined for personal capital leakage, there are obvious differences in the amount of fines. Shopee was fined NT$200,000, while Eslite Life only had to pay NT$100,000. This has led some to question why the penalties for similar violations between the two companies are so different.

Factors influencing the difference in fines

There are many reasons for the difference in fines between Shopee and Eslite Life. First, it may be because Shopee’s personal information leak incident is larger and more extensive, so it was judged to be a more serious violation. Second, when assessing violations, inspectors may take into account factors such as the company’s security management measures, the degree of non-compliance, and the number of violations. Finally, the amount of penalty may also be limited by relevant regulations and norms.


Although Shopee and Eslite are subject to different fines for personal information breaches, these incidents remind us of the importance of personal data protection. Enterprises should strengthen personal information security measures to ensure that users’ personal data is properly protected to avoid personal information leakage. At the same time, regulators should continue to strengthen supervision to ensure that violations are appropriately punished to safeguard the public interest and the security of personal data.