EC-Council 2023 CISO Hall of Fame Report: Security leaders are most concerned about cloud security

The 2023 CISO Hall of Fame report, commissioned by EC-Council, identified four major serious issues through a survey of global security leaders: cloud security, data security, security governance, and lack of information security talent.

Cloud security is a top concern for security leaders

According to the report, about 50% of information security leaders believe that ‘cloud security’ is their top concern. The report’s findings show that organizations face the greatest security dilemmas when dealing with emerging threats, and highlight the need to implement a strong security framework and have skilled security professionals. The average business uses about 1,295 cloud services, while an employee uses at least 36 cloud services per day. Cloud security risks are real for enterprises.

What are the other challenges?

Other challenges include vendor security management and cybersecurity. The report points to other challenges such as third-party vendor security management, network security, application security, endpoint security, rapid IT change, business growth, and expansion of hybrid work models. In addition, some enterprises are not aware of cyber risk management.

The cost of data breaches continues to rise

According to IBM, the frequency with which organizations experience data breaches is on the rise, with an average cost of $4.35 million. This makes the need for cybersecurity leadership with well-known certifications even more urgent. The global survey covered cybersecurity leaders from different regions, with Asia and North America having the largest number of participants. These leaders have primarily held positions in industries such as technology, finance, government, retail, healthcare, education, transportation and automotive, and entertainment and hospitality.

Certification of the EC-Council CISO program

The EC-Council’s CISO Hall of Fame report emphasizes the crucial role of a certified CISO program in tackling cybersecurity challenges. According to the report, an overwhelming 99% of surveyed CISOs stated that completing EC-Council’s Certified CISO Training has had a significant positive impact on their cybersecurity leadership skills. Additionally, 98% of respondents believe that this certification contributes to enhancing their organization’s cybersecurity posture. These findings underscore the value and effectiveness of the program in empowering cybersecurity professionals to lead and protect their organizations effectively.

The Associate CCISO program accelerates talent to leadership roles

To further accelerate talent to leadership roles, EC-Council has also launched the Associate CCISO program. The program allows professionals with at least 2 years of cybersecurity experience to understand the roles and responsibilities of security executives and guide their career paths to industry leadership.

The EC-Council’s report highlights the key concerns and challenges in the global cyber security space and provides solutions such as robust security frameworks and certification programs to address evolving threats. It is believed that these efforts will help protect businesses from data breaches and other cybersecurity risks.

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