Chinese hacker Postal Furious launched a phishing SMS campaign.

PostalFurious is an anonymous hacking group that recently launched a phishing SMS campaign. This attack uses text messages to lure users into clicking on harmful links, thereby hacking into their devices and systems and stealing sensitive information. This article will introduce you to PostalFurious’s phishing campaign and how to protect yourself from similar attacks.

Technical description of net fishing

Phishing refers to the use of fake emails, text messages, social media, etc. to lure users to click harmful links or download harmful files, thereby invading their devices and systems and stealing sensitive user information. A phishing attack typically involves the following steps:

  1. Phishing: Attackers send legitimate-looking emails, text messages, or social media messages to lure users into clicking on harmful links.
  2. Clicks: When a user clicks on a harmful link, they are redirected to a legitimate-looking website that contains harmful software or scam content.
  3. Intrusion: Harmful software is automatically installed on the user’s device to take control of the user’s system and steal sensitive information.

Attack targets and methods

PostalFurious’s phishing campaign mainly targets businesses and government agencies, but regular users can also be targeted. Attackers often impersonate legitimate institutions or companies, such as banks, social media platforms, etc., to lure users into clicking on harmful links. Attackers may also use social engineering techniques to obtain users’ personal information in order to precisely target the attack.

Tips for protecting against phishing attacks

To protect yourself from phishing attacks, here are some things you can do:

  1. Don’t click on emails, text messages, or social media messages from unknown senders, especially messages with harmful links or attachments.
  2. Confirm the authenticity of emails, text messages, or social media messages from legitimate institutions or companies and handle them with care.
  3. Install antivirus software and firewalls, and update security patches for your operating system and applications.
  4. Back up important data regularly so that you can recover it in the event of an intrusion.

In conclusion, phishing attacks have become one of the major threats in modern internet security. We should raise awareness of such attacks and take effective security measures to protect our information and privacy.