Amazon invested $12.7 billion to build AWS infrastructure in India.

Amazon has never stopped investing in the Indian market, and recently decided to invest $12.7 billion in AWS infrastructure to support the needs of the Indian market and drive the digital economy. This article will delve into the background of this investment plan and its significance.

Amazon invests in India: Building AWS infrastructure

Amazon has always seen India as a strategic market, aggressively investing and expanding its business. According to market research agency Counterpoint, Amazon has a market share of more than 30% in the Indian market, becoming the largest local e-commerce platform. With this investment, Amazon will build AWS infrastructure and provide Indian enterprises with more powerful cloud technology services to facilitate the digital transformation of the Indian market.

$12.7 billion: The Indian market will grow

Amazon’s decision to invest $12.7 billion in the Indian market is not only because of its competitive advantage in the Indian market, but also because of its optimistic prospects for the Indian market. According to the Indian government, India’s digital economy is growing at an alarming rate and is expected to reach $1 trillion by 2025, so Amazon’s investment plan is also to support the development of this market.

AWS Infrastructure: A Demand for the Indian Enterprise Market

As the Indian market expands, the Indian enterprise market also needs more powerful technical support. The investment in AWS infrastructure will meet the needs of the Indian enterprise market, provide more stable and efficient cloud computing services, and make Indian enterprises more competitive in the global market.

Supporting India’s Digital Economy: Amazon’s Plan

Amazon’s investment plan is not only to support the development of the Indian market, but also to support the development of India’s digital economy. The construction of AWS infrastructure will facilitate the digital transformation of the Indian market, driving Indian enterprises to better use data, improve productivity and competitiveness. This is of great significance for the long-term development of the Indian economy.


Amazon’s investment plan in the Indian market is not only to expand its business, but also to support the development of the Indian market and promote the development of the Indian digital economy. The construction of AWS infrastructure will bring more development opportunities for Indian enterprises and will also promote India’s economic development.