RCS Founder

Founder and Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).

"True defense requires not only understanding the tools of attackers but also understanding their psychology."

Chief Information Security Officer
Dan Hsu

Harnessing the power of
technology and psychology
to create the most powerful defense system.

關於 Dan Hsu

Dan Hsu is the founder and Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) of RCS.

Dan Hsu holds a Master’s degree in Network Security from EC-Council University and possesses a series of prestigious information security certifications,

including Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP), Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Certified Hacking Forensic Investigator (CHFI), as well as certifications for Certified Penetration Testing Expert (CPENT) and Licensed Penetration Tester – Master Level (LPT Master).

These outstanding achievements showcase his passion and expertise in the field of information security.



在 RCS,Dan Hsu



如同世界知名駭客 Kevin Mitnick 所言──「人性是最大的漏洞」。Dan Hsu 深信,唯有完全掌握技術與理解人性,才能提供最全面的資安防護。他引領 RCS 團隊持續研究與創新,將這種理念轉化為能夠幫助客戶應對各種資安挑戰的實務策略。


在 RCS,我們深信安全是一種態度,不只是一種技術。

